
by Inline planning Co., Ltd.



Womens power that grows stronger every time you flutter! Aim for the love master! She is a little disappointing child who is easy to flirt, please train girls so that her boyfriend will not flirt!

ちょっと残念な彼女を彼氏にフラれないよう女子力を育成ていく大人の恋愛育成ゲームです。5人の彼氏との恋愛を育成していけます。5人それぞれにスチルが5枚用意されていて彼との愛情度が上がるとスチルが解放されていきます。是非すべての恋の結末をご覧ください!【注意】とにかくフラれやすいので挫けず育成してあげてください!遊び方1.時間経過で集まる彼氏をタップして愛情度を高めていきましょう。2.愛情度が高まるとラブ度がアップしスチルが解放されます。スチルコンプを目指しましょう。3.ラブチャンスにチャレンジすると成功すれば一気に愛情度を上げることが出来ますが失敗するとフラれてしまいます。4.フラれると付き合っていた彼氏とは破局し愛情度も0に戻ります。5.フラれた直後ランダムで新しい彼氏が出来ます。6.彼氏にできるのは総勢5人です。It is an adult romance training game that trains girls power so that she will not be fooled by her boyfriend. You can develop a love affair with five boyfriends. Five stills are prepared for each of the five people, and the stills will be released as the degree of love with him increases. Please see the ending of all love![Caution] Anyway, its easy to get fluffy, so dont be afraid to grow it!how to play1. Tap the boyfriends who gather over time to increase their affection.2. As the degree of affection increases, the degree of love increases and the still is released. Lets aim for still comp.3. If you challenge a love chance and succeed, you can raise your love level at once, but if you fail, you will be frustrated.4. When I get sick, I break up with my boyfriend and my affection level returns to 0.5. Immediately after being fluttered, a new boyfriend will be randomly created.6. A total of 5 boyfriends can do it.ver.1.0.3プライバシーポリシーへのリンクボタンをアプリ内に設置しました。

Read trusted reviews from application customers

That game is very good!

Knight of Darkness

it's fun, but it's so easy to get dumped hah


Well only if had eng subtitles I would've give 5 stars
